Lot number 1 - Distress sale in totality New goods – large assortment of car rims, car batteries, engine oils, and car cleaning products.

Estimated call time
31.03.2025 - 12:00 o'clock

Estimated price

99.000,00 EUR

0 Bids / 0 Bids before
(Minimum bid 99.000,00 EUR)

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Here you have the opportunity to place your bids in the public auction on 31.03.2025 from 12:00 for in totality New goods – large assortment of car rims, car batteries, engine oils, and car cleaning products.
The following items are available:
1,564 rims – 165 SKUs 22,978 bottles of engine oil – 53 SKUs (1L, 4L, 5L, and 206L) 52 x 24 packs of 0.5L universal brake cleaner – 1 SKU 3,341 batteries – 38 SKUs.

Errors, exclusion of third-party rights reserved. No guarantee is given for the completeness and accuracy of the information, images, or inventory list of the auction items provided to us by the client. Please note that all items may be withdrawn or called under different conditions at short notice, even on the day of the auction, due to legal requirements. The conditions applicable during the ongoing auction apply. There is no entitlement to be called. Items may also be called as a whole. Due to potential technical issues, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. On our website at https://deutsche-pfandverwertung.de/online-besichtigung, you will find all the data made available by the creditor. The offer will be accepted in writing, online, or by phone according to §156 BGB approximately 20 seconds after no higher bids are received. The buyer's premium is: 25% plus VAT for a purchase price up to €99,999 20% plus VAT for a purchase price from €100,000 to €199,999.99 15% plus VAT for a purchase price from €200,000 to €349,999.99 12% plus VAT for a purchase price from €350,000 to €499,999.99 10% plus VAT for a purchase price from €500,000 to €699,999.99 5% plus VAT for a purchase price from €700,000 to €999,999.99 3% plus VAT for a purchase price from €1,000,000 to €3,999,999.99 2% plus VAT for a purchase price of €4,000,000 and above. The auction conditions published on our website apply.
Lotnumber 1
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location: Germany, 40822

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